Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sleep Like a Baby

After a good night's sleep, people often say "Wow I slept like a baby". They were obviously not talking about my kid.

How is it possible to give birth to a fantastic sleeper and then a really terrible one?

Here is a sample of Hannah's sleep yesterday---

8 AM - Awake for the day

11AM - 12PM - Nap at DeeDee's

3:30PM-4:45PM Nap in the car

8:15PM - This is when I began the process of getting Hannah to go to sleep. I had her down and out and in her crib by 8:25 when Fiona burst in to say "HI". Start over.

8:30PM - Keeps falling asleep in my arms but when I put her down she screams. Two times I let her cry for two minutes.. . that worked well **Sarcasm**

8:50PM - Finally asleep.

I think it was 11:49 pm. About 19 minutes after I went to bed. Awake....Back to sleep rather quickly.

1 AM ish...awake again. I gave up, brought her in bed with me.. we both pass out.. this is a hazy memory.

3 AM: Tom comes to bed ... I pick up Hannah and put her in her crib.

3:37 AM: Wakes up and screams. Get her back to sleep by 3:41 Am

4:07 AM: Awake. I give up again and bring her into bed.

5:37 AM: Awake. Eats, back to sleep

7:30AM: Awake for the day.



The Hunt Family said...

no advice

although my experience tells me that after a few weeks of zero sleep, your body tends to adjust nicely. I have tons of energy if I get a solid 4 hours.